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iTeraShop terahertz frequency waves


The iTeraCare wand can help with improving health issues
The iTeraCare wand has been used to help with Bells Palsy
Use the iTera Frequency Wand to help with frozen shoulder
The iTeraCare Terahertz Frequency Wand has shown improvements with people who have osteoporosis
The iTeraCare Terahertz Wand can help to restore the colour in your hair
The Terahertz Wand is useful for respiratory conditions
Use the Frequency Wand for varicose veins
The iTeraCare Wand is great for speeding up the healing process



The iTeraCare device is certified household electrical equipment. It has been certified as "safe to use." It emits no harmful radiation, and it has labels allowing for its distribution internationally.


The iTeraCare blower is not a piece of medical equipment and the manufacturer provides no medical advice. Users understand that the device is not intended to be used as a medical device or for diagnostic purposes on which reliance should be placed. Its use is not intended to be relied upon in lieu of medical treatment or advice by a trained medical care practitioner.


Users understand that they use the iTeraCare blower at their own risk.  Always consult your doctor or other healthcare professional with any questions regarding any medical condition, or for specific guidance regarding the optimal use of the iTeraCare blower, nutrition, or physical activity. 

Hippocrates said if there's a way to heat the bones then all diseases can be treated.  That's what the iTera wand can do for you

"If there's a way to heat the bones, then all diseases can be treated"

Hippocrates - Ancient Father of Medicine

Join the FB testimonial group to read about everyday people & their experiences with the wand.

FB Testimonials Grup
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