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The iTeraCare device by Prife International is the only authentic terahertz frequency wand for sale

TeraHertz Wave Therapy is a new type of healing treatment that uses special waves called Terahertz Waves. These waves have a similar frequency to human cells and can help improve blood flow by activating dormant cells and repairing damaged ones. This leads to faster healing times and a boost in energy for the patient. Using this therapy regularly can also help strengthen and repair DNA in the body's cells. These waves are safe and are absorbed by substances like water in our bodies, which allows them to reach deep into our tissues.

The iTeraCare Device Integrates
3 in 1 Core Technology

The iTeraCare wand uses terahertz technology which resonates at the same frequency as normal human cells

TeraHertz Technology

Terahertz resonates at the same frequency as normal human cells, generating millions of vibrations per second thus activating optimal cellular function for a happy body!

The iTera Wand generates scalar wave energy energises our cells which produces healing from pain & inflammation

Scalar Wave

Generates Scalar Wave Energy that energizes our cells, balances bodily systems, strengthens the body, produces healing energy, and penetrates deeper into the vital organs.

Optical quartz amplifies the energy that is passed through the iTeraCare Frequency wand

Optical Quartz

Optical Quartz amplifies the energy generated by the device, creating a more powerful result. Mimics 1/40 of the sunlight’s UV energy. It strengthens auric fields in the body.

The iTeraCare device activates and repairs cells, detoxifies the lymp system, removes water retention and improves blood microcirculation

How Does Terahertz Frequency Work?

The iTeraCare frequency wand is a device that emits a type of light called terahertz frequency.  Light carries information and terahertz frequency lies between microwave and far-infrared in the electromagnetic spectrum. Unlike ionizing radiation, which is harmful to humans, terahertz frequency is non-ionizing and safe.


Our bodies contain inorganic crystalline-based mineral structures, and the iTeraCare wand's vibrations at the same molecular level as our DNA, RNA, and proteins, can positively influence our health.  Additionally, water is a vital component of our bodies and we have over 100 "ion channels" that relay information in the form of frequency.


The terahertz frequency emitted by the iTeraCare wand targets the mechanisms in our bodies that are affected by hydrogen bonds and water channels. It can help proteins fold correctly, which is essential for cellular homeostasis and the prevention of disease.


Terahertz frequency waves enhance hydrogen bond vibrations leading to openings between the DNA strands, which triggers the DNA Damage Response (DDR).  The DDR upregulates genes and pathways that actually guard our genome. The iTeraCare wand's terahertz stimulus allows for breaks in the hydrogen bonds on DNA inducing the DDR, which is a good thing because it helps prevent diverse human diseases.


In summary, the iTeraCare frequency wand uses terahertz frequency to positively influence our health by targeting mechanisms in our bodies affected by hydrogen bonds and water channels.  Additionally, the terahertz frequency can trigger the DNA Damage Response, which helps prevent diverse human diseases.

What are terahertz frequencies?  Read how Prife's iTeraCare wand range utilised the magic of terahertiz frequency
Prife International, the distributor of the iTeraCare device is located in over 25 countries worldwide

What is the difference between the Classic & Premium Plus?

iTeraCare Classic

The iTeraCare Classic Device  which you can purchase at the iTera Ship is affordable for personal use

800 watts, more affordable to allow into more households at a lower price point.  It is still very effective when used by individuals.  It takes a little longer for treatments, and will shut off after an hour of use to cool down.

3 settings - Low Speed, Low Heat. High Speed, Low Heat. High Speed, High Heat.

iTeraCare Premium Plus

iTeraCare Premium Plus terahertz frequency wand the best wand in the iTeraCare range

An upgrade to the Premium - quieter, quality construction, beautiful purple color and has a 2 minute timer! 

  • Weighs between 12 and 13 oz.

  • 650 watts.

  • 3 settings including cool


Works faster than the Classic, and very comparable to the Pro (3rd Generation). 


Comes in a premium carrying case with a strap included.

Prife's iTeraCare Wands Comparison Chart

Prife's iTera Wand Range Comparison Technical Spec Chart

Genuine vs Fake Wands

Join the FB testimonial group to read about everyday people & their experiences with the wand.

"Future medicine is the medicine of frequency"
Albert Einstein

Even before the iTeraCare terahertz wand was developed, Einstein knew that 'future medicine is the medicine of frequency"
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