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Business Opportunity

Interested in Becoming an iTeraCare Distributor?

When you love a product, you naturally want to share it with everyone you know…


Prife International offers a great business opportunity through a Network Marketing Model.   We offer full training so that you understand exactly what to do and how to maximise this business opportunity.


It's a very simple process.


To get started as a Distributor, the first thing to do is purchase a device.  When you purchase a device you are automatically enrolled into the business as a Silver, Gold or Diamond Member.  This doesn't mean that you have to do anything on the business side - this happens so that there is a place where you can register your device for warranty purposes.  In fact, you may not be thinking of becoming a distributor, but as you begin to use your device and experience amazing results, you may naturally begin telling people about it and next thing you know, you can begin earning money from your referrals.


Send us a message to set up a call where we can go through the whole business side of things with you.

In the meantime, watch the full presentation on the compensation plan presented by Nathan our Prife Chief Training Office.

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